
Here goes nothing..

I've decided to start this blog for a number of reasons. Most of which stem from my horrible communication skills. I haven't really talked to anyone about my father passing away. At least nothing more than a scientific explanation of where, why, what happened, etc.. It's not that people don't ask. Because they have. It's been 5 months now & I still have people that ask how I'm "doing". I don't even know what that means. Maybe it's because it hasn't sunk in yet, maybe it's because I seem just peachy, mostly I think it's because I don't talk about it so they all want to make sure I'm not going nuts. Maybe that's why I started this. To make sure myself that I'm not going nuts. I guess we'll find out now, won't we?

1 comment:

  1. Well Jessica, your father was an interesting man. ALWAYS kind, often confused, and treated life like a wonderful ride. I have only just found out today that he is no longer with us and I will always think of him fondly. I hope you have adjusted - as well as you can. It's a hard road but keep walking; we'll all see each other again, I promise.
